Attack on the Di'lustre Manor. A clonable three-floor map combat encounter, with a an increasing number of undead arriving, up until the player characters make it stop or make their escape (more info bellow) 3k Battlemap (gridless variant).
Dimensions: 40x30
Resolution: 3072x2304
Notes: This is an out of town manor for the Di'lustre noble house (other maps incoming). The ground floor was cloned (and then heavily modified into 3 new maps) from this map by Fawpy. Have a visit to their profile - they have some really useful clonable maps.
For these 3 maps I've made: the upper floor and basement I've created a different internal wall structure, textures and added a whole new set of stamps from the initial cloned version. (Note: The following description pertains to the story for these maps in my game and is the same for all 3 maps for the Di'lustre map pack)
The story: One of the Di'lustre noble house members - Alice Di'lustre - was about to visit the manor with her brother Bravin on their way to some business-related negotiations with other noble houses, but a member of one of those other houses who would like for the negotiations to fail, had hired a necromancer - very forbidden, could get in a lot of trouble if found out - to curse Alice so that she attracts undead spirits to her.
In this way he was hoping that the talks would fail as Alice was crucial to getting those talks resolved. On top of it, it would bring shame and condemnation to the Di'lustre house so he could potentially get some other things happen, as well as further cement his power-hold among the stronger noble houses.
What happened, however is that the necromancer found out something that had significantly altered what he was paid to do. He first had to find a way to get to a close distance to Alice and to remain there for a number of hours, so he could curse her, and for that he needed to do a ritual which he conducted in the basement of the manor.
He arrived into the manor via a secret passageway through the basement, which was long forgotten even by the Di'lustre family themselves, but which he rediscovered using magic. The cursing went badly, or rather for the necromancer it went really well.
What happened in the cursing ritual is that it didn't attract a few spirits to Alice Di'lustre but also physical undead: zombies, skeletons and the like and they continued to arrive in increasing numbers.
So the necromancer, upon realizing that, revealed himself from the basement, and with his undead minions, slew everyone in the house except Alice. He threatened her and she agreed to lay down in her bed until he drew a magic circle (1st floor northwest room) around it so that he could end the curse on her (how noble of him)
He would transfer what magic was cast on her to himself, so he can then attract more and more undead as he can find a way to put them under his control. The player characters are going to arrive just in the last minute (for dramatic purposes). They can decide (maybe unknowingly) whether they will do nothing to obstruct the ritual circles on the ground and upper floor (allow the necromancer to transfer the power to himself) or tamper with those (end the ritual abruptly), but if the later is chosen then Alice is still under the effect and one of the sentient undead under the control of the necromancer, on the ground floor of the mansion, if they are still present, is going to open the doors and the ever increasing number of undead outside are going to swarm the mansion. The players can then
1. escape through the passage the necromancer discovered (basement) or
2. escape through a teleportation circle (also in the basement), if they have the means to do so or
3. escape through other other means (e.g. magically escape - if they have the means to do so) or
4. they can fight their way through the undead outside and escape. Unlikely however, because Alice is exhausted due to the ritual draining her, so if the player characters want to save her, they have to account for that. In my game, her brother Bravin also survived and is in the room just next to Alice's one. He was used by the Necromancer as a "conduit" for that ritual of transfer so that it doesn't kill Alice. He is also slightly exhausted because of this.
To access the part of the basement with the teleportation circle, the player characters need to go to the northwest corner of the basement, move a barrel there to flip a switch underneath on the floor and then go to the south room just outside of the hallway towards the teleportation circle room and move a specific wall sconce. Only then will the secret passageway wall to the room open.
This is not known to anyone except Bravin's brother Darstan Di'lustre, the wizard in the family, whose room is the northeastern one on the first floor. However, there are no notes of this in his room and he was luckily not present in the manor when the attack happened as him and his brother Silernt Di'lustre and his wife Pemdana went on a quest to find a treasure hoard - another map incoming for that.