Sectutoris star system Warhammer 40k

I made this for a wraith and glory 40k campaign map.

I used 2 custom assists being the boarder and the image that looks like a computer screen which I put over the top, I did the darkside of the planets is lowing the brightness of the texture i was using, the lights n the darkside of the planet I used some torch stamps and the fey lights yellow (which I think the latter looks better). I used the Heraldic circle for the system rings flattened to the background . The rest you should be able to clone and have a look at to figure out how you can get a similar effect!

I hope people uses this to create more scifi style maps, I'm quite happy I was able to do this in inkarnate!

Created by: Papa_Skish 4 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3