Dread Druid Grove

... actually the lair of an ancient leshen in my D&D campaign, Voidsong, but nobody knows what the f that is, and Dread Druid Grove sounds cooler. You could also use this as a werewolf lair, a fey hideout, or a spooky ritual site for dark magic. I think it'd be a lovely fit for the Domains of Dread or the Unseelie Court territories in the Feywild.

I personally used the glowing stones as a teleportation device for said ancient leshen, but they also just make for a neat visual detail if you don't care about practical uses.

(This is my first map ever made with Inkarnate, so there's flaws; please just kindly avert your eyes from these, yeah?)

Created by: infragalaxia 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1