
This is a detailed Map of the continent Edoran (left) and the western part of Eyrala (right)

Thanks for 2k ♥


October 2023

This was my first map I made on Inkarnate, so I was still using old assets, and in my eyes, it wasn't as "beautiful" anymore. That's why I completely revamped this map after 4 years.

-All assets were deleted and repositioned.

-New locations added.

-Colors reworked.

-Additionally, some new names for coasts, valleys, mountains and so on...

Assets: 35k --> 75k

If anyone wants to see the old map or even prefers it, it still exists.

I've copied it and also published it: 

Cloned from: B2 by Maggus 5 years ago
Last edit: 6 months ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1