The World Of Monster Hunter

This is the map from the videogame saga of Monster hunter. To make it i used the official map mantioned in the artbooks and some random stuff i found on the fandom. I couldn't stick every single place and arena/hunting ground because of resolution problems ( i use the free plan therefore i couldn't create a readable text or a big enough and proportioned map to fit everithing) but from the games we know for example that the sanctuary and speartip crag are located near the Heaven's Mount, so i didn't need to draw them too because they are in that small area. Or for the Snowy Mountains Peak i could just ignore it because we know from the games that it's the tallest mountain in the Arctic Ridge; same applies for the El De Region wich is the general volcanic region of the game and everything there is mixed up. To Draw the New World and the Hinterlands i used the ingame map of Monster Hunter World. I didn't add the locations from Monster Hunter Online and the Frontier saga, as well as the Stories saga, because they are not canon and i didn't know where to put their locations. Since the release of monster hunter 4, wich had been the first Monster Hunter game to feature a decently detailed map, i started wondering how did the world of the game looked like as a whole as the time went by and new chapters came out then a few weeks ago i discovered about the artbooks and the official map. It was actually lacking in a lot of things such as most of the villages, the hunting grounds were only specified for the Volcano, the Desert,the Verdant Hills (at fisrt called Forest and Hills) and Arctic Ridge ( at first called Snowy Mountains) so with logic, knowladge from my gamplays and the wiki i created this, i hope you like it :)

Created by: Pera 1 year ago
Last edit: 1 year ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3