Isla de Velerossi - Pirate Sanctuary

An exotic city map with a pirate and jungle vibe. Feel free to share and use. If you leave a little credit, you gain advantage on persuasion checks to convince me to make more.

Backstory: This relatively hidden bay is surrounded by pearl-white cliffs and dense jungle. Shabby towers on each cliff end oversee the sole entrance to the port town of the Velerossi pirates.

The island itself is situated to the far south of the Estinosti Archipelago. Treacherous terrain and reefs have blocked all attempts of the Estinost city states to settle the island. However, crafty privateers have managed to navigate and map a route through the reef into the great inland bay.

A handfull of pirate lords have managed to establish something that resembles a form of government. Some can trace their lineage back to Laccini nobility.

The abandoned elven colony on the south side of the bay remains largely untouched by superstitious settlers. Rumours of people disappearing near the ruins has kept looters and treasure seekers at bay.

Created by: Gilwe 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1