Forest Arena

An arena style map for your game. The other maps are also published.

100 gold per combatant to enter the arena (this covers the cost of reviving when they inevitably die)

The battle arena has a magically controlled atmosphere that changes. .

1d6 rolled will give you the following results:

1. Even terrain equal to no change. "Like an inn with traps!"

2. Forest terrain "Take Cover!"

3. Mountain terrain "Watch your footing, and the lava pits!"

4. Desert terrain "Watch your eyes, the winds are whipping up!"

5. Aquatic terrain (fills the arena after 2 rounds) "Take a deep breath!"

6. Artic terrain "Watch yourself, the ice is thin!"

The following are my personal rules for the arena- take them or leave them as you please:

1d4 rolled - on a 4 the environment changes. Rolled per round.

Weather Effects change when environment changes: 1d10

-1. Rain/ 2. Snow/ 3. Sleet/ 4. Hail/ 5. Tornado/ 6. Avalanche/ 7. Strong Winds/ 8. Lightening/ 9. Darkness/ 10. Roll 2 weather effects ignoring 10's

1d6 rolled- on a 5 or 6 Traps are deployed where the GM decides:

1d10 traps:

-1. Razor Grass/ 2. Electric Arc/ 3. Deadfall/ 4. Sinking Coffin/ 5. Insanity Mist/ 6. Tar Snare/ 7. Fireball/ 8. Counter Spell/ 9. Summon Monster/ 10. Roll 2 Traps ignoring 10's

I have a scaling difficulty over 20 levels, each level will run for 1d4 rounds, at the end of the 1d4 the next wave comes in. Eventually it will over run the party but the rewards are great!

As a side note, I also have bosses that come in every 3rd difficulty increase-

They range in difficulty but adds a good spice of life to the games.

Also after a boss fight the party gets 1/2 the party number in long rest potions- so the spell casters and really hurt melee fighters have a way to gain health and slots back... but there is few enough that they will have to be tactical about it.

Please enjoy and give me feedback.

Cloned from: Even Arena by Anonymous 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3