Cave calamity

A direct continuation of my train station maps. The hallway connected to the last train station has collapsed but it seems that long ago a few miners accidentally opened it up and got killed by whatever horrible creatures were guarding the station.

Luckily the monsters couldn't go further up into the mines thanks to the chasm that separates this part of the mine from the rest, the only way to cross is with a weird automatic contraption that carries you to the other side. The cave is dark and it hasn't seen a human touch in a long while, luckily the weird crystals in the walls light the way for you but beware, what strange magical properties makes these crystals glow in the dark?

I tried experimenting with other light sources, it didn't pan out so well as with the lights I used in other maps because these crystals weren't really designed to be great light sources.

Feel free to clone it and change it for yourself, maybe you can make it more beautiful than I could :)

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Created by: Willem de Prater 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3
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