Valaria Western Kingdoms Map

All races can, to some extent, be found across the Two Continents. There are a couple that are most common in certain contexts, though:

When people think of Half-elves, they think of Erynian Ambassadors, and when people think of Gnomes, they often think of Gnome merchant caravans. That is not to say those races do not exist outside of that context, merely that they are famous for those contexts.

Kingdom of Andor

Makeup: Human

Trade: Dhimtorhm, Hypatia, occasionally Briven

Political Situation: On-again/off-again war with Briven Empire across the Strait of Carden

Noteworthy: Equestrian society, major lumber exporter

Briven Empire

Makeup: Reptilian races;

Dragonborn in the northern desert, lizardfolk in the greener South

Trade: Erynia, Dar Garuhm, occasionally Andor

Political Situation: On-again/off-again war with Andor across the Strait of Carden

Noteworthy: “Gold basket” of the Twin Continents

Dar Garuhm

Makeup: Dwarven

Trade: Briven, Sea trade on Caranian Sea

Political Situation: Neutral

Noteworthy: Major international banking site


Makeup: Dwarven and Gnome

Trade: Andor, Hypatia, the Underdark

Political Situation: Isolationist outside the mountains, clan politics inside them

Noteworthy: Primary trade route with the Underdark, neutral buffer between Andor and Hypatia

Kingdom of Hypatia Makeup: Mixed

Trade: All

Political Situation: Legal disputes over ownership of mixed above/below ground cities with Dhimtorhm threaten traditional surface divide

Noteworthy: Merchant kingdom, Naval power

Erynia Makeup: Elven

Trade: Hypatia, Small trade with Briven, Ista serves as Elven goods outlet

Political Situation: threatened by Aecherran raiding and Hypatian logging

Noteworthy: historically owned much more land, wars with Briven Empire, wars with Aecherran Dynasty, and Hypatian logging reduced the Erynian Forest to its current size

Aecherran Dynasty

Makeup: Orcs, goblinoids

Trade: small trade with Hypatia and Thogdurral

Political Situation: Aggressively expansionist but blocked by mountain ranges and a lack of naval power

Noteworthy: Repeatedly, raiding expeditions have stretched too far and been cut off from returning, resulting in roving warbands that occasionally settle in other nations. Some civilize. Most do not.


Makeup: Dwarven, some gnome

Trade: Kaston Republic, Hypatia, Cautious trade with Aecherran Dynasty via border forts

Political Situation: Stalwart Defenders, seagoing trade threatened by Crossquay pirates and aquatic monsters

Noteworthy: Considered the most militarily advanced nation, home to airships

Kharak Zul Makeup: Dwarven/gnome

Trade: Mercenary bands

Political Situation: Independent City-State

Noteworthy: Originally formed by Dhimtorhm outcasts

Kaston Republic

Makeup: Gnome

Trade: Hypatia, Thogdurral, Dhimtorhm, caravans

Political Situation: Threatened by Crossquay pirates, monsters of the Northern Wastes

Noteworthy: Origin and home of most of the Gnome caravans travelling the Two Continents


Makeup: Menagerie

Trade: Piracy

Political Situation: Loose collection of loosely regulated city-states, threatened by monsters of the Eastern Ocean and Farthest Deeps, and by naval patrols

Noteworthy: Originally the naval center of the Ruathan Empire

Caranian Sea

Aka the Inland Sea

A naval passage between the Western Ocean and the Ruathan Sea via the Strait of Carden and Hadrian’s Canal, the Caranian Sea is relatively shallow and strangely free of monsters. This makes it an area of safety for sea trade – so long as your dues are paid.

Fax Island

Aka Fax’s Folly

An island few have survived approaching and fewer have landed upon, not much is known about it. What is known is that almost nothing grows there.

Created by: Anonymous 5 years ago
Last edit: 5 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3