Bandit Hideout 25x25

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Here is the base version of the Bandit Hideout Cave [25x25] in 4K. This is one of my older maps and today I added several additional variations.

You can get the base version and no fog variation of the Bandit Hideout Cave battle map with and without grids for free at my patreon.

There are a total of twelve versions of this battle map: base Bandit Hideout Cave battle map, no fog variation, no bandits variation, no bandits and no bridges variation, lava river variation and lava river no bridges variation with and without grids.

You can find all versions of the map at my patreon and many more unique and high quality battle maps.

If you like my maps please join my patreon and support my work. Thank you!

You can clone this one, hope you like it. Enjoy

Cloned from: Vamp cave + shadows by Cropox Battlemaps 1 year ago
Last edit: 7 months ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1