Rhukaan Draal

Here is my interpretation of Rhukaan Draal for my Eberron campaign. I made it because I could not find a map, let alone that fits my vision. It is based on an existing map and I only made minor modifications.

I envision Rhukaan Draal as a human settlement that is occupied by hobgoblins for the last two decades. I wanted the House Deneith enclave to have a domineering presence, since for the good part of the previous century, they would be have been an important presence in the area to recruit mercenaries. After the secession, Lhesh Haruuc drew out the humans - most of the human buildings are intact, but are probably being used by goblins outside of their original purpose. For instance, some mansions may now be repurposed as living quarters for hobgoblin mercenary companies or multiple goblin families. Khaar Mbar'ost was probably built to make a statement to rival the House Deneith Enclave, a foreign or human influence in the area.

Goblin and hobgoblin architecture and tents are all around the city, contrasting the earlier, imperial and human planned city development. The city is now growing organically. A temple to the sovereign host lies in ruins, either from misuse, neglect, or intentional pillaging. The parks are filling with tents and newer buildings. Some of the ruined areas which must have seen either fighting or pogroms or both now have a new coliseum.

Finally, the map boasts a small House Orien enclave with some new buildings and a teleportation circle. (I am planning to use Teleporter District from Birdie Maps for this area. )

If the players arrive and enter from the SW entrance, they will first see the top the tall Khaar Mbar'ost. As they enter the city, the House Orien enclave will be on their right, and they will soon enter the bloody market. As they continue down, they will see the ruins of the temple to their left. At a junction, they can turn right to get to Khaar Mbar'ost by crossing a bridge, or attend the games at the coliseum. Or they can continue and turn left to go into the House Deneith enclave. Some of the mansions will still have human (Cyran) occupants who stayed, likely elderly folk who pose no threat or ghosts that pose particular challenges in the eviction process...


- I want to fill in the House Orien Enclave a bit more, and add a coach house.

- I want to extend the market, and add a few taverns and inns.

- I want to add more goblin tents and desert architecture.

- I may delete the farmlands around the city to match the arid landscape of Darguun.

- I may change the forested hill look to a more barren mountain look.

Cloned from: Fortlieu by ByDjovial 11 months ago
Last edit: 9 months ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3