[from Adventurers League: Outlaws of the Iron Route]
The fog swirls aside, revealing the effigy of a king carved into the stone of the cliff face, at least eighty feet tall from toe to crown, seated on a rocky ledge overlooking the sea. Trees sprout from the statue’s lap, moss clings to its weathered surface, and its right hand grasps a goblet. Tumbling waterfalls flank the statue, bathing its body in glistening spray. Structures of various degrees of permanency surround the statue, coils of smoke winding lazily through the misty air.
To the west, a loose circle of tents surrounds a large covered wagon. Wood smoke drifts from a low cave nearby. Beyond the camp, an overgrown trail cuts through steep woods to the cliff top.
A neat circle of tents makes up the eastern camp. More tunnels dot the rock face behind it, and a great sea cave yawns at the foot of the cliff. A longship bobs in the water near the cave, anchored to the statue’s sunken hand.