Leilon (Atlas)

The town of Leilon has seen hardships aplenty in the last century and a half. It's people even more so. The Spellplague broke and sundered the settlement.

A third of its three thousand inhabitants, paralyzed from the magical energies and guardians that broke free from Thalivar's tower, soon died from those self-same 'guardians'.

A small mercy, for those that didn't succumb to the monstrous horrors of such a quick death, starved in paralysis.

The refugees then found themselves welcome in Neverwinter and Crossroad Keep (still but a fortress and trading post at the time).

Disaster once more struck the people of Leilon when Mount Hotenow erupted. The diaspora and descendants of Leilon, who settled in Neverwinter, faced the wrath of the elements as the earth cracked open and the lava flows killed or made homeless the Leilonese once more.

It was only in 1485 DR that Leilon was resettled.

Its diaspora & exiled noble house (the Filmarya), who once found refuge in Crossroad Keep, left their homes and returned to their ancestral home.

Seven years on, much of the centre of Old Leilon has been preserved as a memorial.

For it is whispered that the ghosts of Old Leilon still haunt the ruins around Thalivar's tower. An eternal vigil to make sure the same disaster never happens again.

Leilon pledges its everlasting loyalty to Neverwinter and Lord Protector Neverember for their combined hospitality & strength in making Leilon habitable once more.

Cloned from: Leilon by Chrisjm89 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 2048:1681
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