Rosesby National Park

Located in Northern Oregon.


Gray Wolves (Packs of 4-16 Members), American Black Bears, Cougars, Coyotes, Canadian Lynx, Kit Fox, Stripped Skunk, White-Tailed Deer, Mule Deer, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Pronghorn, White Tailed Jackrabbit, Snowshoe Hare, American Red Squirrels, Bald Eagles, Northern Spotted Owls, Woodpeckers, North American River Otters



Winter - Mid 30's/Mid 40's/Mid 50's, Average Snow

Spring - Mid 50's/Mid 60's/Mid 70's, Clear & Sunny, Clouds & Rain

Summer - Mid 70's/Mid 80's/Mid 90's, Warm & Low Humidity, Rain Is Rare

Fall - Mid 40's/Mid 50's/Mid 60's, Cozy & Mild, Rain Is Probable BWhite-Tailedut Chances Of Snow Are Low


Pack #'s:

Roamer Pack - Smallest of the three, dispersal pack (loners, dispersal pairs, exiled, etc...), 5-7 Members

Kotaq Pack - Second largest of the three, generational pack (made up of the leading pair and their children), 8-10 Members

Atanka Pack - Largest of the three, generational pack w/ outside members (made up of family and loner wolves who've been accepted into the pack), 12-15 Members

Created by: Anonymous 3 days ago
Last edit: 3 days ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3