A fairly simple Battle map I created for a swamp setting.
The mist hangs ominously as you happen upon a lone hillock, nestled amidst murky pools and gnarled limbs of local flora. The remains of an ancient circle lay nestled into the crest of the hill, its purpose long forgotten and the statue that stood as a focal point toppled and worn away with the ages. Strange, prickly growth and moss that bears an uncomfortably sanguine color creep from around the base of the statue, filling you with a sense of unease as your gaze lingers on the forlorn site.
From the modest height the hill provides. you are able to see only slightly farther than normal, but even that slight advantage is enough to see the stringy network of webs that lattice their way through a copse of trees off to your east. Every now and again you're able to make out an aggravated chittering coming from that direction, but the air itself seems to be filled with a sense that you've intruded upon a place whose memory is long, and unwelcome to newcomers treading its ground...