This is my personal alterations to RabbitSlayeru's Continent map for the Witcher universe. I made this for my own personal use for playing the Witcher ttrpg, but I figured I should publish it for others as well. I've added my own coloring for nations, adjusted and added some locations, added and moved some borders, represented the Nilfgaardian provinces individually, and made some geographic changes with adding some forests to closer match information from the Witcher ttrpg book. I've also just added some general detail work. The exact geography and borders of most of Nilfgaard is speculative, but I tried to make things consistent with the ttrpg descriptions. I've tried to reconcile some discrepancies between the books in the games, but it's impossible to make a map completely accurate to both. That is to say, there's room for interpretation and you may have your own ideas about how things should be depicted. I've set this map to the year 1272, which is the year the Witcher 3 takes place.