Campsite - Contest Entry (30x30)

Find me on discord: #mistypaths

Work in progress: Will make some slight changes to this map in the near future, regarding fixing some things.

There are hidden things on this map: can you find the hidden bag or the eyes observing the surroundings?

Description: The party is sent to investigate what has happened to the missing villagers and travelers around the village of Rosewood. On their way, they decide to stop and make camp because night is going to arrive soon...

Dimensions: 30x30

All assets are from Inkarnate.

Disclaimer: As always, free for personal use. If you want to use this map or any of its parts commercially, please contact me via a direct message. (find me on discord: #mistypaths )

Cloned from: 30x30 Random Dungeon by Misty Paths 1 year ago
Last edit: 1 year ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1