A young world, brimming with power.
This is an OVERWORLD of the Ten Kingdoms of Era. The WorldAnvil page is coming soon for lore fanatics!
Below are links to the individual Kingdoms, this section will be updated as regions are published:
Sunderlun - https://inkarnate.com/m/lgN65b-sunderlun-era-region/
Åmon Åranth - https://inkarnate.com/m/RlAgAk-mon-ranth-region/
Ardlun - https://inkarnate.com/m/rgQEqb-ardlun-region/
It seeps from the ground. It hums in the air. It crashes ashore. All around the continent of Era: power.
Divine power.
In Era, life thrives. Folk co-habitate regions, cities, towns, mountains and caverns. Nature grows in abundance, giving anyone a chance at a happy existence. People live in harmony with nature, and this balance can be felt in every waking life.
That balance, though, has a known master. The magic of this land emanates from the very ground, gifted from the deities of the continent. People channel their power through the celestial beings, by way of prayer at a designated Temple of Power.
Mostly, the people of Era channel their divinity for good -- from washing dishes to tackling insurmountable tasks, Era's "Sacred Chord" helps its people. But because it is such a critical part of so many people's lives, one's channeled magic more or less dictates morality. In the forming times of Era, conflict regarding these divinations drew hard lines in the sand. Thus far in the second age, luckily, the people have known nothing but peace.
Adventure on, and discover the many ways of life and inevitable changes in the divine powers coursing through the world!