Port of Orlumbor (city)

The Port city of Orlumbor. The port is located on the landward side of the island of Orlumbor off the Sword Coast approximately 30 miles from the Trollbark Forest. The port is reachable by ships making their way through the treacherous, cavernous passage from the Sea of Swords. The wrecks in the waters surrounding the port are a testament to its dangerous history.

The city is renowned for its shipwrights.

The city's population is mostly built into the cliffs. The winding roads lead west toward the settlement of Farr Winward and South to the temple of Umberlee.

Much of the city is built in the rocky, craggy landscape.

Regional Map: 

Created by: fairway 3 games 1 year ago
Last edit: 1 year ago
Aspect ratio: 3:4
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