Ice Druidic Dungeon

An ice dungeon ruled by a druid that got tired of humans/humanoids laying waste to nature. It has secret doors that are activated by placing ice orbs on statues. These orbs not only serve as a "key" but also as light sources or power for other mechanisms. There is an orb in the first room the player group arrives. The orb can be removed and used to open a door by placing it on an empty statue on the path on the right.

Doing so will open the way to the tombs where the undead can come to life if someone tries to remove the 2 orbs from the statue present there. There is also a flower garden nearby that has access to daylight through a hole in the dungeon. (skeletons and corpses are used as fertilizer to the plants by the druid).

After getting the orbs from the tombs' statue the players may go back to the first room and head on from the path on the left (stairs). This will lead them to a big bird statue with a complex mechanism to use the orbs on. There are 2 orbs already placed in the statue, those orbs shed light into the cristals placed on tables in the room. For each crystal that is lighten up, a leyline forms from the table into the bird statue. Adding more orbs to the statue (up to 3 more orbs) will activate all the remaining leylines, fully activating the mechanism and opening a secret door to the left that leads into the druid chambers and to a new zone (a new map still in progress) that will be a boss area... The druidic chambers are divided in 4 parts. The kitchen (with a frozen oven - that cooks in low temperatures), the bedroom (which has an orb as a lamp), the office (with papers, a staff and a set of alchemy that indicates that the druid has been trying to create new plants that resist cold temperatures by mixing the blue flowers in the garden with other flora) and a secret freezer with human bodies (where the meat comes from :D) which can be accessed by putting an orb in the statue that is in the kitchen that will open the secret door on the office. Pew, thats all I think, feel free to clone and imagine the dungeon in your own way ! Hf!

Created by: Mimos 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1536:1301