Heroes Guild ground floor

The Heroes Guild from the original Fable game. A labor of love for my Heroes of Albion campaign. I attempted to make it as true to the game as possible while also using some wasted space in the game for more useful areas such as a bigger library, a kitchen, laundry area, servant sleeping quarters, workshop, etc.

My campaign is taking place about 50 years after the original Fable game during a golden age of heroes, so think of it as a renovated guild. Or just use it as an adventurers guild in your own campaign, and anybody who recognizes will appreciate it.

I will eventually get around to making other areas in the game as I get there but for now enjoy this and let it inspire you!

I'm no professional but I spent a good 20 hours or so over the course of a few weeks making this. Looking between my xbox and my computer to scale everything appropriately and make it as accurate as possible. Thanks for checking it out!

Created by: Turmulus 3 years ago
Last edit: 2 years ago
Aspect ratio: 512:401
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