When the planet Emmen was on the brink of destruction at the hands of an unknown cosmic entity, one of the last surviving deities, Loku, forged a last-minute contract with the inhabitants of Dunador, Emmen's only moon. Sacrificing himself and stretching his dominion over Space to its limits, Loku transported the surviving Emmish peoples to their new home; here, they would be provided refuge on the condition that they worshipped the Duna Fae as their new gods.
A thousand years have passed since the Exodus that left the Emmish people stranded at random in the wilds of the moon. Over time, they have come together - either as multicultural republics, or bastions of tradition providing aid to their own kind in an anxious bid to hold on to the past. Questions of belonging, loyalty, and identity loom over the lives of the displaced Emmish people, whilst the ever-present knowledge of their debt defines their relationship to the new gods, their Faery host.