The Staggering Dwarf Inn

Located in the city of Maplewood, in the country of Mireilith. Sits a small but quaint inn, greeting travelers with open arms is The Staggering Dwarf Inn. Run by the owner Brogar a small dwarf who enjoys spending his off time in the mountains doing archaeological digs.


Brogar is a stout dwarf with clean facial red beard and hair. Bright green eyes and oversized tunic, he smells of booze and dirt. Always appears to be in a bright mood and smile across his face who likes to make the occasional pun.

Griina, Bar assistant is a women dwarf who has a long messy tough of beard hair and very flowery dress with her arms covered in vines and other flowers. She appears to have very fair skin, and soft to the look. She is very flowery in her choice of words


Belching rum - After trunking this make a con save. On a failed save the effect takes place immediately. On a success you choose when to have the effect take place (After ten minutes the effect takes place no matter what.) Effect: You belch thunderously. Everyone in a 100 foot radius is defended for one round.

Will-o-the-Whiskey - whisky with minor hallucinatory effects, starts with a tiny tingling light in the corner of your eyes, ends with a shining orb of light dancing a few yards away from you, moving away as you try to catch it.

(Signature Drink)

The Drunken Dwarf - a pint of dwarven stout with a teabag in it.

More drinks can be found at:

Created by: Risha Rose 5 years ago
Last edit: 5 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3
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