Assembly Hall, Lower Level (remastered)

Pools of light huddle around lit braziers in niches along the walls, and iron cable towers rise to support the bucket chain that rattles overhead. Basalt pillars support the 90-foot-high ceiling, and iron gantries are bolted to the walls 50 feet above the floor. An iron staircase along the south wall climbs to the western gantry.

The Vonindod

Suspended and steadied by huge chains near the middle of the room are the helmed head and upper torso of the Vonindod, which have survived more or less intact. The adamantine colossus will stand 80 feet tall once it is fully reassembled; until then, it’s nothing more than a dangling, lifeless hulk. One of its eyes has a giant ruby (worth 25,000 gp and weighing 250 pounds) set into it, 40 feet above the floor. The other eye contains a socket for a similar-sized (but missing) gemstone. Climbing the colossus to reach the ruby eye requires a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check, since the surface has few handholds or footholds. Prying the ruby eye from its socket requires a crowbar, a sword blade, or a similar tool and a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.

Adamantine Doors

Set into the southeast wall is a pair of 50-foot-tall adamantine doors sealed by ancient magic. The doors are airtight and soundproof. They open only when a fire giant standing within 50 feet of them speaks, in Giant, the phrase “By Surtur’s flame, I command these doors to open!” The doors remain open until a fire giant standing within 50 feet of them speaks, in Giant, the phrase “By Surtur’s flame, I command these doors to close!” in Giant. The doors can also be closed manually with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check. Knock spells and similar magic have no effect on these doors, though a legend lore spell or similar magic reveals how the doors can be opened and closed. A clever character can fool the magic on the doors by creating an illusory fire giant and having it speak the pass phrase. Characters can also try to hide and wait for a fire giant to open the doors (see the “Reinforcements” section earlier in this chapter).

(From the Campaign Storm Kings Thunder)

Created by: Anonymous 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 3:4