Travelling Zoo

A zoo that I made for my campaign. Going clockwise from the entrance:

  • First we have a small snack shack selling all things meat and a few other treats.
  • Second we have an vendor of exotic pets. Packed in small cages the party will have to pay a hefty sum of gold to get one of these beasts.
  • Third is two caged carts that contain two dangerous beasts (owlbears for my party's level). You can pay to feed them.
  • An ornate tent decorated with skeletons marks the tent of a mysterious figure. He will show off a collection of creatures from the underdark that he has magically captured. On the way this zoo grounds he was attacked by bandits and had the rare chance to collect human blood. He will attempt a new exhibit using this new resource.
  • A bright red covering marks the wagon of a man in tuxedo. He claims to have tamed a leopard and will be doing performances with it. A trained eye will realize the leopard is actually his wife in wildshape.
  • Next is the stage grounds where the leopard will perform it's tricks. This is also the sight where the mysterious figure will attempt to summon a greater demon. Unbeknownst to him the blood (which will contain the demon) needs to be less than a day old. The demon will escape and will wreak havoc, possibly releasing the owlbears. See the spell summon demon for inspiration ()
  • A spiked wall holds in the various ponies and goats in a children oriented petting zoo.
  • The final station is a dagger throwing competition along with a feat of strength with a hammer.
Created by: Professor Stinky 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 2048:1783
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