Cave painting

Pandora Project

Classified file #4398 : rock painting extracted from the caves of the --------- site ; South America.The theory of the Ancients seems to be confirmed with this absolutely incredible find.

Section 1 : Humans seem to live in a village (Neolithic?) on an island (ship and fish) An individual seems apart. The tribes then fight large monsters (reference to the bones found in Central Africa - The Echirians), and seem to lose and then be eaten. The same individual, alone in the village, seems to have survived.

Section 2 : The individual is pursued by one of the alleged Erichians, and takes refuge in a... cave? He seems to find a portal there which he passes through. He then arrives in another world (the stars have changed, and it appears that what we assume to be his moon is destroyed). The individual finds himself facing an entity of imposing size, equipped with 8 arms, surmounted by a rather geometric head (triangle) and lifted by some technological device. His world seems in ruins.

Section 3 : The individual (how long has passed?) now appears to be praying to the entity, who agrees to accompany him through the portal (a pact?). The entity then uses a kind of box with unknown functions to destroy the Erichians. Faced with this victory, humans acclaim it. The entity still holds the mysterious box in its hands.

Section 4 : The entity now appears to be directing humans to build something. At the end, one seems to guess cities with architectures of Meso-American and Egyptian origins. The box rests on the largest pyramid. The individual seems to have become a kind of high priest. We can see a sacrificial altar at the bottom of the great pyramid, surmounted by a dead man. The eyes at the top of the towers seem to indicate a society of control, with totalitarian aspects (unverified theory)

Conclusions : we could touch here on a fundamental discovery, at the origin of the myths of the lost cities across the globe: Mu, Atlantis, Hyperborea. Humanity seems to have been enlightened by extraterrestrial entities, whose most faithful representation is currently located on this piece of rock.The box must be found as soon as possible to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands (continuation of the Pandora Project).

Cloned from: Cave painting by Nemrod 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3