Large City and Surrounding Area

City features a large church and government building, town square, market, two beachfront slums, and docks abandoned from disuse. The city's dock is abandoned due to the sea being un-navigable (in my lore, this is an inland sea, and there is a colossal creature lurking in the ocean that attacks ships). Because of that, the ships moored there have fallen into disrepair, and capsized.

Surrounding area includes a military fort, wizard's tower, graveyard, abandoned mining town, large new mine, multiple noblefolks' estates, an alchemist's home, a lighthouse (haunted?), many farms and towns, many unique landmarks, and small hideouts/camps along the beach / in forested area

Created by: jnickg 5 years ago
Last edit: 5 years ago
Aspect ratio: 2:1
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