Abandoned Dwarven  tunnel

This map started as a simple natural cave complex and became this. inspired by the Mines of Moria. It became as sort of scale version of them, following my DM asking for it to include a miniature Khazad-Dum.

The tragic story of this Mountain pass is as follows. A small but wealthy group/family of dwarves decided to create a home and mine in the mountain. They had discovered a rich vein of gemstones. They then decided to create a tunnel going all the way through. This tunnel created a significant shortcut for many travellers and traders. They created a small home, mined gems and crafted jewellery and metalwork at the forge. They made a tidy profit charging people a small toll for using the tunnel. The tunnel also brought traders, who they could sell the Gems and jewellery they mined and crafted. They also offered a small dormitory and tavern for travellers needing a quick rest overnight.

Not long after establishing their home and business they became plagued by goblins in the surrounding mountainside. The goblins regularly attacking travellers as they left or approached. Occasionally the goblins made unsuccessful attempts to breach the heavy stone entrances. One day they suffered a cave in at the northern entrance, realizing they were under attack they barricaded themselves in the living quarters to the south. They were confident their solid stone doors were ample defence. Unfortunately, the goblin attack did not come from the area of the cave-in, they had tunnelled into the alter room of the dwarves. The raid was swift and brutal taking the outnumbered dwarves by surprise.

Several of the doors are barricaded from one side, making them impossible to open unless cleared from the other side. I see it that a stone door can only be opened if unlocked or with a key. But wooden doors could be forced open by players with a good strength check. Or at least that’s how I see it working.

Created by: Zealot 4 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 2048:1463
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