Tresendar Manor (Lost Mine of Phandelver

For easier role-lay and upload to VTT's.

The Scenario does not have any loot in this area, but the DM can choose to hide something or reward players if they so choose to, this is an ideal area with a few options to improvises. The Lost Mines campaign (notes, trap (if the players did something stupid in the town) rewards (if the players are impressing you) etc.). I made the back building mostly intact but the roof has fully collapsed. However, if the players decide to pull the roof (DC ?? STR) any players within 5 ft. of the walls must make a DC10 Dex Save or take1d6 bludgeoning damage because the roof is still mostly intact and moving it all at once breaks the walls. Players can break the collapsed roof into pieces to prevent this. The DM can place something there also. I imagine that there maybe a stash in the trees that the bandits missed or some other place a redbrand member is hiding his/her personal stash. For additional Flare, if they are moving or breaking the back wall, the DM can choose to have the redbrand in area 1 of the redbrand hideout to investigate... muahahahaha

Remember, all of this is optional, there can simply be nothing to do here except show them the way into the hideout.

Created by: The Traveling RPGamer 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3