Barovia 735 BC

A map of Barovia in 735 BC, at the time of the Curse of Strahd campaign date.

This includes the entire Barovia region, with all known/notable points of interest. It is based on the 2E/5E elevation maps of the region (which are the same, but in different art styles). Points of Interests from all major lore/editions have been added in as well, as best I could. Notably, this period of time is still 5 years prior to the Grand Conjunction which opens up a rift and adds portions of Gundarak (including the cities of Teufeldorf and Zeidenburg).

Please feel free to copy this map, then make edits to suit your own campaign. Much love to Wizards of the Coast for supporting such an amazing D&D Campaign module!

Created by: Marzipanic 3 years ago
Last edit: 2 years ago
Aspect ratio: 128:121