Trial of the sun

The divine trials are a place where the gods test a would be heroes mettle. The trial of the sun is intended to test the PCs pride, to see how much hubris they'll show. The very first room has small floating suns, and a message, "Shed thine ambition".

The second room is full of Nobles and servants, the nobles try and get the players to tell stories of their accomplishments, to see if they'll boast. If they do, they gain heat tokens. If they decide to help the struggling servants instead, they pass without gaining heat tokens.

In the colosseum, a gold dragon stands bored, playing with a treasure chest in her tail, and 4 challengers to the north and east platforms. The players must defeat one to pass, but are told they can battle on for greater rewards and glory. The more fights they do, the more heat they gain. The dragon statue in the middle breathes fire on initiative count 20, and the lever next to it can be pulled to rotate it 90 degrees.

The next room has a peacock, who magically creates statues and paintings of the players based on moments they had in the colosseum. He asks the players to take his art with them back to the material plane, to show it off. If they oblige, heat tokens.

The last room contains an angel of Pelor, god of the sun. He judges the PCs, hitting harder if they have more heat tokens. The flames are blue here to signify the heat of ambition being greatest here.

This is a remake of a map from MCDM, with plenty of my own touches of course. If you like it, go check out their version in arcadia article 17 on their patreon, where they go far more in depth with how to run the trial in a fun way

Created by: semiawesomatic 1 year ago
Last edit: 1 year ago
Aspect ratio: 3:4