Necromancers Lair

1. Lock ups, a skeleton can be found in two of the rooms animates to life whenever the cells are opened. The middle cell is noticeable cleaner and is the home to a mimic chest.

2. Torture Cahmber. On the table is the corpse of a Wood Elf woman whose spirit comes to life as a shadow while a gibbering mouther begins to cackle maniacally when disturbed. It looks like a pile of viscera in the corner. In a metal box a behind a DC 18 lock is a single vial of wyvern poison.

3. Foggy hallway a magical fog inhabits the hallway it heavily obscured the area the roots of an infected tree stretch deep from above the forest floor down to this place 1d4+1 twig blights attack the party if disturbed, while imoble they are indistinguishable from the roots.

4. In this area a group of 5 skeletons huddle around a small rock being used as a table while they roll stones with numerical markings on them. These skeletons will only offer up information about the dungeon if someone in the party can best them in a game of dice. They are non-threatening

5. This small room contains a sheer cliff hole where the void of blackness below stretches out for hundreds of feet down to the underdark.

6. "Loop" here they can spot a false wall leading to the necromancers quarters with a DC 20 investigation check.

7. Crypt of the Torture Master contains 4 dread warriors which animate and attack the party. One of the tombs contains a spell scroll of enlarge/reduce and 40gp

8. The Necromancers quarters. An animated suit of armour, rug of smothering and animated chained bookshelf await beings that aren't its master to attack. A broken staff of animate dead can be found on the table. A DC20 investigation reveals the hidden passage to a chest Area 9.

9. This small chest contains a scroll of sending. Scroll of dimension door, as wells as 69gp. A diamond worth 300gp

10. Shrine to Vecna. This area serves as an old shrine to Vecna the god of liches and necromancers. Killain the necromancer protégé of BBEG(censored for my players) went crazy after uncovering some secerets about her leading him to splinter off from the group and further develop his own talents. He was previously believed to be dead, only just recently been uncovered for his deeds in the abandoned dungeons of Olcham Castle where he practices and researches undeath. The party can be alerted to this by BBEG or commoners that report missing persons from the area around the condemned castle. Killian wears a ring of evasion and a pendant with the sigil of Vecna on it. Killian uses the stats of a necromancers and is protected by a bone gollem which roams area 10.

11. The pool contains a gelatinous cube and a ring of obscuring which can be discovered with a DC22 investegation of the pool.

Created by: Dundegon Daddy 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1