Forest Road Camp

Check out the rest of the map set at the Adventurer and Engineer tiers at

Other versions include a Plains and Mountains version, with night and clean variants of each

Finding a clearing in the forest to park the cart and make camp for the evening, the party clears aside bushes and rolls out bedrolls. After a night of talking, drinking, laughing, and more drinking, four of them go to sleep, while the fifth sets up a few crates to sit on during watch. The light from the campfire casts shadows that dance about just behind the treeline, like many leafy goblins circling the camp. A crack of a twig across the road puts the watch on alert, as she reaches for her broadsword and leans forward to peer into the darkness...

Cloned from: Camping Trip - Forest by Elysium Cartography 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1