Magical Forest Village

Located in the middle of an ancient impact crater, Floran is completely self-sufficient and flourishes in the cold climate thanks to the temple of Florella, a nature witch turned demi-goddess. Their clergy ensures the weather is generally favorable for their livestock and crops. Taking in persecuted witches and outcasts, all are welcome here as long as the peace is kept.

There is no official ruler or leader of the village, however, most turn to Flora, the local druid, in times of need or when important decisions need to be made. Meetings are regularly held in the Meeting Hall and if there is any contention, a temporary leader for the issue at hand, is voted upon.

The village is mostly communally run and doesn't barter using currency of any kind. Any member of the village can request food and goods from any of the farmers or merchants. When rare or hard to acquire goods are requested, a barter of services for goods will generally take place.

Buildings are organically grown by using specifically designed seeds that sprout and tended to by the treants. The seeds sprout a wood resin that can be manipulated into various shapes.

The treants also help to protect the village from the raiding clans that surround the forest where the impact crater and the village reside. Wood that needs to be cut and manufactured is strictly regulated by the treants and they generally only allow fallen trees or branches to be harvested. Mining in the ridge of the metal rich crater is also strictly regulated much to the miner's dismay.

Created by: RPGErinS 2 years ago
Last edit: 2 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1024:815