Moongleam Tower

****Created for my Storm Kings Thunder campaign*** details taken from the wiki and I have created my version, hopefully keeping it lore friendly. *** further updated 06/07/21 to correct elements to make it more lore friendly***

This Wizards Tower is located in Everlund. Moongleam tower is the headquarters for the Harpers. The tower is made of dark stone, impervious to destructive magic. It also has no visible doors or windows. The tower is surrounded by a deep dry moat. This moat can be filled with water quickly by ancient magical pumps and cisterns. The tallest tower has open battlements with a large silver crescent moon device visible. Inside the tower it is clear there is a lot of magic at work. For example there are no windows yet during the day the entire building has ample light that is seemingly natural daylight. There are a number of fireplaces that seem to be real enough, yet there are no obvious chimneys, and the fireplaces only need wood when someone fancies putting a fresh log on to watch it burn. The main entrance point for visitors is a teleport circle that takes people directly to the Moonlord's office (at the top of the tower) when it is activated.

* 7th Floor - Moonlord's Office and private chambers: The teleport takes you directly into the Moonlord's lavish office. If needed chairs can be summoned magically for visitors in front of his desk. Behind him is the door to his bedchamber, and a storage room with access the battlements of the tall tower. The roof access will be sealed magically and have a number of hidden alarms to notify the Moodlord if the roof hatch is opened (cant have anyone sneaking in unannounced. Also on this floor is the Moonlord's personal library, a collection of some of the oldest, rarest books containing ancient knowledge and dangerous magic.

* 6th Floor - Teleport room: This floor has four teleports for the wizards of the tower to use to get out and into town. Its not practical for them to have to go to the Moonlord's office every time they need to nip out for supplies or to go to the tavern. These four teleports are to established locations, all close by in the town of Everlund. The wizards mostly use these, and rarely use the 'front door' portal in the Moonlord's office. That portal is more for guests and visitors to the tower.

* 5th Floor - Magical workshop: This floor is where the resident wizards do most of their enchanting. There are alters for enchanting magical items, desks for scroll work, a bench to make and mix potions. A secure room for dangerous or experimental spells and incantations. There is also a secure and locked room housing a teleport archway (bottom right corner room). The room is sealed magically and physically, using powerful ancient magic and expensive, fine intricate locks. The room is also guarded by a wizard at all times (has a chair next to the door for their comfort). Inside the room are a number of imposing statues and a glowing archway on the far wall. The archway will take anyone who passes through, down to the secret basement of the tower. The basement holds a secret of the Harpers, one they work hard to keep others outside their organisation from finding out about. there is no other way to get to the basement level apart from this one archway.

* Secret basement - This secret subterranean level is only accessible through the portal from the 5th floor. In the basement are the five long range teleports to other parts of the sword coast. Those locations are Everlund, Neverwinter, Yartar, Waterdeep, loudwater and Mirabar. Each of these locations has a hidden and secret portal location guarded by a Harper agent. The travel is instantaneous. The Moongleam Tower is the central hub and has the magic power to keep all the teleports open and active. The other locations only have the one portal back to Moongleam Tower (the space and magical power to run five would make it almost impossible to keep secret and hidden away). So if wanting to travel from Loudwater to Mirabar, travelers do have to return to the tower before going to the next location. They don't have to stop and can simply walk from one portal directly in to the next. So travel is still effectively instantaneous, compared to the potentially months long journey by foot.

* 4th Floor - Wizards Living area: Includes a small kitchen, dining room, library overflowing with books from floor to ceiling (wizards love books after all) and a small study area with fireplace. The wizards will spend a considerable amount of their time here when not at work.

* 3rd & 2nd Floor - Wizards accommodation: Rooms for the resident wizards, not all are necessarily in use but could be used by other members of the order when they come to the tower.

* 1st Floor - Guest accommodation and bathroom: Rooms for any guests of the tower, rarely used but a option if they do have visitors. This floor also houses the bathroom, as any Terry Pratchett fan will tell you, as well as books wizards love a good bath. As such they have two large fine copper bathtubs that can be filled with hot water pumped up from floor below below.

* Ground Floor - Pump room: The ground floor houses the ancient pumps that can be used to fill the moat surrounding the tower with water. The pumps are a marvel of combined engineering and magic. Its clear to see the handy work of gnomes, dwarfs and wizards in the large machines. The pipes go through the outer walls towards the moat. Even the smallest humanoid creature cant fit through them, and even if they could, they would find the pipes magically sealed and secured with physical grates to prevent access.

Created by: Zealot 4 years ago
Last edit: 11 months ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1