Tower 1

Designed for use on a tabletop TV, a modular D&D setting to play as you go-- or use as for a solo game.

Instructions: Select the applicable cover and delete to reveal the tower. Start with the 1st Floor Cover, then each number as appropriate.

Description: A 80' tower from base to pinnacle stands atop a steep hill of obsidian rock. Located on a small peninsula that juts out from a nearby forest, the sturdy fortress looks out on a large lake or small sea, a fixed point for navigators. Linear windows dot the outer walls with a large stained glass window near the top, a dash of color against the gray stone walls.

1. The Confluence. The heavy doors make way into a meeting room of tables and chairs, a place of congregation. A core stairway stone stairway climbs up the center of the tower; a steel door forbids passage to what must be descending stairs. Perhaps the levers in the hallway are the answer to the forbidden.

A note may be found:

"The second lever will sound like a roar; A primary first helps open the door; The last lever pulled is the color of sky; After the second will buzz like a fly."

Position, Color, Sound, Correct Order

  1. Black Roar 2
  2. Yellow Buzz 3
  3. Blue Lute 5
  4. Green Wind 4
  5. Red Bell 1

2. The Kitchen. A stock of fresh fish and vegetables is available for tower staff to prepare meals for the inhabitants and visitors alike.

3. Guest Bedroom.

4. Storage room. A temporary location to unload supplies, doff armor and debrief after an adventure.

5. The stairway descends to a roughly polished rock floor. What else would be found in a basement besides a cold storage area for crates and a crypt? Maybe an underground hot spring of water (sulphuric, fresh, or unnatural possibly). A thick steel gate prevents access to the dark corners beyond. (A pressure plate is located by the statue, but the door won't stay open unless the plate senses the weight of the party. The statue or crates will do the trick. A lever near the desk will keep the gate open for 10 minutes.)

6. Foundry. An unlit oven could be used by a blacksmith, or a baker from upstairs.

7. Treasury. A desk and logs must keep inventory of what could be contained in the chests.

8. In the furthest darkness of the basement are crates and large chests.

Created by: Merlyn 2 years ago
Last edit: 1 year ago
Aspect ratio: 1024:585