Museum Second Floor Map

1 – A tapestry depicting the tree of life. Hand woven using silk and golden tread. Its origin is unknown but was anonymously donated to the museum after the fire.

2 – A hand mirror with engravings of various animals, including lions, tigers, bears, wolfs and many more.

3 – The battle axe and dagger of adventurer Gomatug – Donated when he got a better set.

4 – The Joke tresure collection of Koko Bluebud, a fay that tricked many adventurers to their doom. When the treasure was finally found it was discovered that the whole tresure of coins, jewels and are all worthless and once touched, they turn into flower petals.

5 – The head of a defeated medusa, donated to the museum for study.

6 – Statue of an unknown person, holding a lantern. Origins unknown. Age unknown. Meaning unknown.

7 – Broken sword of Hans, shattered when he attempted to kill Elsa and was stopped by Anna who turned to ice, the magic causing the blade to shatter from sudden cold.

8 – Painting – Oil. Depicting the peace treaty between The Copper Rock Tribe and The Wood Rock Tribe 400 years ago. Artist - Sophia Carter

9 – Painting – Pencil sketch. Image of a woman in fine clothing, smiling towards a baby in her arms. Artist - Nibbler Lorqrin

10– Painting – Watercolour. Image of a sunset from a hill top showing the back of a figure under a tree with a bird on their shoulder. Artist – Unknown

11– Painting – Oil. Landscape of a castle on cloud while two dragons fight before it. Artist - Bianca Nightfig

12– Painting – Pencil sketch. A drawing of a noble looking dragon standing on top of a cliff looking out over the edge with wings wide and head held high. Artist - Ciruelo Cabral

Please feel free to watch our conservation team at work but we request you do not disturb them as much of the work is delicate. Thank you for your consideration.

The Light Museum apologises for the empty display cases, several items were lost in the fire and we have yet to arrange replacements.

Cloned from: Museum Second Floor by Storylady 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3