There was an error checking for private assets in your map
Anchor's End

A city ran by the Chelish government across the ocean in the lands of Arcadia. The devil-assisted labor makes the gold mines in the nearby hills of this swampy city a prosperous venture for the greedy nation of Cheliax.

A city map made for Pathfinder 2E in Inkarnate as of June 2024 by Bryce Pape. This is not an official map as there was not one, so it is just imagination. Not all locations are canonically correct as some of them were inspirations I had when making the map such as the themes of the Dante's Inferno being puns for taverns and the church they have in town.

Created by: Bryce Pape 10 months ago
Last edit: 10 months ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1