"Your legs wearily trudge the well-worn Evermoor Way as the bitterly cold northern wind cuts deep. Fear not though, fair traveller, for you are upon Yartar..."
Primarily based on the opening cinematic of Baldur's Gate III, a commission piece which envisions Yartar situated on the confluence of the Surbrin and the Dessarin... Most importantly, the map is cloneable (upon request by my client) so that you all may take it and make it your own!
Key to locations:
1- The Waterbaron's Hall: With a covered dock on the eastern bank of the Surbrin, accessed by a private port, underground access and stone stairs.
2- The Fishyard: Yartar's main market
3- The Happy Hall of Fortuitous Happenstance
4- One Foot In The Boat
5- The Wink And The Kiss
6- Beldabar's Rest: With hidden access to Shadowskulk Alley and an underground dock on the Dessarin
7- The Cointoss
8- The White-winged Griffon
9- The Pearl-Handled Pipe
10- The Inn Of Glowing Gem
11- Halassa's Waterwell And Fine Wines
12- Winter Winds
13- Hasklar's Arms And Armour
14-Esklinder's Maps, Books and Folios
15- Firelust Fabrics And Tailoring
16- Dannath's Pickles, Nuts And Foods
17- Lionshiled Trading Coster
18- Three Rivers Feasthall
19- Yartar Circle
20- The Shield Tower
21- The Long Creep
22- Mindulspeer Lane
23- Dead Cat Cut
24- Shadowskulk Lane
25- Spitting Adder Lane
26- Thorn Lane
27- Hiring Fair (early days)