The Punching Pit | Jungle Arena Tavern

I'm creating 100 ready-to-use inns and taverns for tabletop games! Check out the full collection on Patreon: 

#20: The Punching Pit

Stuck in the tropics and need to blow off some steam? The Punching Pit is a clearing in the heart of a vast and unforgiving jungle where anyone—be they goblin ambusher, pirate, jungle necromancer, or lost adventurer—can go to kick back, enjoy a mug of warm grog, punch someone, fight a giant crab, and sleep it all off in the shade of the swaying palms.

What's On Tap? The Punching Pit offers a rotating selection of grogs and beers, which patrons help themselves to out of open, self-serve barrels. Complaining about the barrel flies is one of the few transgressions that can get one thrown out of The Punching Pit.

Meet the Staff: The Punching Pit is operated by Harpoon Hanna, a marooner who took on the establishment upon regaining consciousness after a vicious, drunken brawl that left the former proprietor dead and her with no memory of her life before The Punching Pit.

Have an idea or request for 100 Inns and Taverns? Send me a message at [email protected]!

Last edit: 7 months ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3