World Map (Sel-Taea)

This is a world map for my DnD 5e homebrew world; Sel Taea. Untill revently, it used to be a low resourse, overcrowdeovercrowded plane struggling to support to a few humanoids, fey, dragons and various other creatures. But mostly demons. This demiplane was anchored to the abyss and used to function as a barely habitable home for those people struggling to maintain their kingdoms and cities, being too resource poor and corrupted to support much natural life. As such, life was hard for civilians, adventurers and monsters alike. The mother of demons uses them all and the land as a testing range for waves of demons to attack the people.

However, the continent has recently expanded after a band of heros caused it to gain too much extra planar attention. Thanks to the cries of the people and a marrage between the dark fey and demons falling through, the demons have lost the influence they once had allowing then world to grow and flourish. The gods have reclaimed the land it as a plane under their guidance and aid establishing it as a brand new (if small) materiel plane. Now for the first like, small towns and interesting landmarks have shown up ripe for exploring.

Cloned from: World map New 8k by Feathereddoggo 2 years ago
Last edit: 2 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3