
The greatest city of this or any age. This city was the capital of the 'thousand-year empire' and is still the centre of the civilised world. There are several impressive cities around the Engaerian Sea, but none as grand and sprawling as the city of Cirasia. Ever since the last true emperor ascended and crashed the 'thousand-year empire' into darkness, the once-great empire was split into squabbling kingdoms. Leaving Cirasia behind as a powerful city-state.

Cirasia is ruled by a regency council led by the prince, a distant descendant of the Imperial family. In total 8 factions take a seat in the council. The city is a melting pot of cultures and ancestries and is the epicentre of cultural advances of the entire world.

Created by: T-man 4 years ago
Last edit: 4 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1:1
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