
Erupting from pure chaos in the heart of this world caused by years of warfare, a great storm ripped from the ground, separating the once super continent into various islands scattered across this world. Aptly named Maelstrom, this shattered world now inhabits six kingdoms, each one on hostile terms with one another.

Within the center, upon the floating islands above the storm lies Typhus Dominicus, a fortress where the greatest scholars and mages come together from each kingdom in peace to try and mend the world to the best of their efforts. But with the World Tree: Unity, slowly dying, as does the hope of this world.

Should another war break out, another storm could erupt, bringing this world into total annihilation, where upon the very stars will collapse onto this world. Creating nothing more but a galaxy of destruction and nothingness.

Created by: Rolach 2 years ago
Last edit: 2 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3