Sleeping Giant Tavern

Created for Lost Mines of Phandelver/Ice spire peak. The Sleeping Giant was a rundown tap house in Phandalin. The Sleeping Giant was owned by a surly dwarf named Grista Kettlecopp, whose rude demeanor reflected the quality (or lack thereof) of the pub itself. It was the favored watering hole for cruder folk, and catered mostly to dwarf and human miners and ruffians. The bar was filthy and poorly maintained, and townsfolk were known to dissuade visitors from going there.

This is a tavern/tap house rather than an Inn, so there is no rooms on offer to sleep for the night. Food can be purchased, but there is a reason most patrons only go there to drink. The best you can hope for with the food is hard cheese, stale bread and maybe a tasteless watery stew.

The Ale isn't much better but its brown and alcoholic. Or at least its mostly alcoholic, regulars know at least one of the barrels is watered down and that the owner is not above getting old off barrels from the other taverns/inns in town. If she doesn't like a particular customer she will fill their tankard from one of these barrels.

Tried to keep it fitting with descriptions and pictures of Phandalin. But this could be any Tavern anywhere. The map is Scaled to a 30x50 grid.

Created by: Zealot 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 1229:2048