Mewlips Lair Battlemap

This map was used for an adventure inspired by the poem The Mewlips by JRR Tolkien. The southern half of the map shows a stagnant pond where "gorcrows" can stand, croaking in their sleep. A few gargoyles stare down from above and a cascade of "noisome waters" pour down over the cliffs.

The northern half of the map is the actual Mewlip lair, including several damp caves and a "counting room" where the mewlips can count their gold by the light of a single sickly candle.

Map is gridless, but intended as 30x40 with 5' grid overlay on a VTT.

Cloned from: Mewlips Lair by Les_T 3 years ago
Last edit: 3 years ago
Aspect ratio: 3:4